Saturday, August 12, 2006

2nd Community Meeting Was Held !

Consensus From The Community

August 10, 2006 : the 2nd community meeting attended by stakeholders, i.e. Kepala Desa (Head of Village) Mr. Nengah Alus, Kepala Dusun (Head of Hamlet) Mr. Made Sania, The Committee of Implementation, Both Facilitators (Mr. Gde Wisnaya Wisna and Mr.Ketut Suartha), Teacher of Vinson Owen School Ms. Kerry Bodeur. Professor Sosiologist, Mr. Charles and the community of Butiyang hamlet and lead by Coordinator Program, Ms. Asana Viebeke Lengkong.

Ms. Lengkong encourage all the stakeholders especially the community to participate in thinking, planning, committing, scheduling to finally accomplish the path construction they all so desperately need. Ms. Lengkong has helped the stakeholders to see the overall benefit through Community based participatory process in developing capacity building is one of the ‘learning by doing’ process to reach our goal towards sustainable development.

Thus the community has arrived to a consensus of the following:

1. The road edges would be 3 meter wide
2. The path will be 2 meter wide on top of stone layers
3. The depth of the top layer will be 5 cm
4. It is realized by all that the preparation of the road edge would take
longer than expected as the condition of the slope is quite steep.
5. The work will be taken 2 times a week and at any convenient time by the
community, however the community cannot make a definite time of final
completion of the path before the preparation of the road edge is completed.
6. The community agreed that the material will be brought to site as part of their