Thursday, August 03, 2006

Enthusiasms of community

First Community Meeting Was Held !

Community Meeting was already conducted at 25th July 2006 at “Gedung Balai Serba Guna “(Village owned Building for Multi Purpose Activities) of Desa (Village) LES. This is the first meeting in term of the path construction program implementation between Program Coordinator (Mrs Asana Viebeke Lengkong), a representative of Owen School, Boston, Massachusetts Miss. Kerry Brodeur, local authority (Kepala Dusun, Kepala Desa, Camat), NGO LP3B (Mr. Gde Wisnaya Wisna) and Community. As shown in the picture, they talked much about the program included detailed preparations for implementing the program. Enthusiasms of community made the meeting held successfully. The community was explained that the program was community based program. It means the community plans themselves the implementation of the program, design the time reference, mobilize manpower (villagers) to do the job, mobilize the needed materials, and maintenance. A part of the budget is planning to subsidize the worker consumption.