Sunday, August 06, 2006


Dearest Vinson Owen School Elementary Students,

Your support towards sharing with the children and community of Butyang Hamlet (sub-village) of Les Village is received with most appreciation by all the Community and children. Thank you zzzzzzzillion times.

Through the which was prepared by our respected Mr. Gde Wisnaya who is going to act as community facilitator; I would like you all to join the journey and the process of the path construction which will be implemented following the Community Based Development principles through participatory process of everyone within the Community of Butiyang Hamlet.

The Community Facilitators: Mr. Gde Wisnaya will be assisted by Mr. Ktut Suartha. Both of them will be guiding the community in the process of the path construction to make sure that the process of construction is going smoothly and will resolve any drawbacks they encountered during the process.

I would be acting as Coordinating Program. I monitor and evaluate the process.

We, both the CF and CP will be working with the community closely together to oversee:

- Transparency and Accountability: that everybody within the community would participate and in consensus to all decision made in regard to: - construction area mapping (e.g. the measurement of the length, the width and the depth of the path), the preparation of the road site where the path is going to be constructed, leveling the site, digging and filling the soil, moving a big stone a side and put the final layers to form the path.
- Preparing working schedule so that we all have a tentative final date of construction
- Minimizing any mis-calculation of the material cost needed, choosing and negotiating with the right suppliers of the materials that is able to send the material at site as the site is almost hard to reach.

As the progress of the process is moving on, I invite you to participate in voluntarily and please do not hesitate to make any inquiries and make any comments as you see fit. Please look through the one of the points in the box on the right-hand site on the web: participation of stakeholders and I promise that I will make all efforts to answer your questions.

I hope that you all have a good holiday.

Best of regards from Bali,

Asana Viebeke Lengkong, Coordinator Program