Dear Teachers and children of Vinson Own School.
We had another wonderful visit to Butiyang Hamlet, Les village yesterday..... The community is still working on the end of the road about the last 50 meters long in the bottom of the hill closer to the village.
We were greeted by the community who was working on the path and also the children came down from the Hamlet to also greet us....
As we gathered along the finished path just above the path they were working on, I presented them with all your questions I have printed and brought along with me........
Dear Les Village,
We are glad that you like your new road. It took a lot of hard work to
make and we are glad that we were able to help.Who is kudeta and I'm an angel. Did they fund the road too? KU DE TA is a name of a very famous restaurant club located by the beach in Seminyak area. I'm an angel is Ku de ta's fundraising group who supported all my program, they have matched your fund to meet all the costs beside the material cost of the road which consist of cement, sand and the food for work which was allocated for your funding. I’m an angel, Give back to Bali would then fund the food (mixed rice and milk) for the children each time we visited them. They also share the operation cost, and mostly they appreciate very much all your efforts to do fundraising for the people to help build their road.
It's been fun watching the progress of the road. We would like to continue to learn about you and your village.
We have some questions for you:
Is it easier to travel with the new road? Yes, it has been much easier for us to travel on the new road, it make our life easier. We can transport our produce much easier and get a better price from the buyers
Is the road done or are you going to extend it further? We would love to extend our road further to be able to reach our brothers and sisters who live across our hamlet, although we share the same hamlet but we need a bridge to connect us with them
Will you build other roads? Yes if have fund to connect our road with the road to the village to make our access more easier
Do any vehicles travel on the road? Yes, we now can access the road with motorcycle and in emergency we can also use 4 wheel car, but the road is very steep and a bit dangerous, we have to be very carefull when we use the road
How many packs of cement did you actually use? So far we have finished 271 sack of cement and we will need around 50 packs more to just finished the 800 meters. We thought that we only have 700 meters road but apparently the road was about 800 meters long
Enjoy the road and we hope to hear from you soon.
Ms. G.'s Fourth Grade Class
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