Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Introduction of Dusun Butiyang

Dusun Butiyang- an isolate sub-village !

Butiyang is named of sub-village in Desa (Village) LES. Sub-village called DUSUN in Bali. Because of its location at a higher place, and no "actually" road connect them to other Dusun or even to its Desa, make the people in Dusun Butiyang have difficulty to get socialization. For long time, the people there have no communication to other people in Desa Les, eventhough the didn't had a school for their children.

Just started at 6 years ago, they tried to make their own school for the children, instead of let the children without education or walked down to Desa. At the beginning, they didn't had a class room. So the children started under the tree.

Kepala Desa there had a big effort, just tried to find help for the children. Last year, Asana Viebeke Lengkong with "local" NGO named LP3B Buleleng ( Agency For The Assessment and Empowerment of Bali's development) in District Buleleng tried to bring them some books and foods. They just wanted to give the children there sign, that other people cared them.

Now, in very good connection through Kerry and her school institution in Boston, the Children in Boston have a chance to help children of Butiyang. They collected money to help Butiyang, and the money will be used to make a "better" road, so that Dusun Butiyang will easier to be reached.

The funding of the project is also contributed/shared by I'M AN ANGEL - Ku De Ta, Bali; Give Back to Bali, Australia.

Sun hopefully will shine there, the children will smile, and there will be a brighter future there.

Thanks for the children school in Boston.